My Journey of First Year Entrepreneurship Life : Co-Founder/CEO Sucess Stories From

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I am Sakthivel Pannerselvam Co-Founder/CEO of are SURPRISE PLANNERS and we are here to plan and execute your surprises in a a very special way for your loved ones. Whatever the occasion is , we are your best remedies.  

After 13 years of experience with 6 companies, quit my job last year on 15.10.15! Started on Nov 24th 2009, fear of loosing made me to wait for almost 6 years! Thought of writing my journey so as to let know how the experience is! Celebrating 1 year of My Entrepreneurship!!!

Sakthivel Pannerselvam

What have I accomplished?

* got featured across India in Outlook magazine, Economic times, Your story! got featured in most of the Newspaper & Magazines in Chennai!
With no office, to a shared office & now to our own office setup!

Got so many calls & inbox messages wishing how creative the ideas are & how inspiring we are! Even though we know we are not worth it, many feel that we have inspired them in some way! Personally was happy though.

Surprise for a cause initiative was well received & we could help few kids affected by cancer to forget their pains for few moment! The emotional moment every time will be cherished upon & will make difference for a longer run!

What didn’t work :-

Still Appa was not happy in what am doing! He didn’t even come to office when everyone came to office.

Singapore plan / establishment / investment / mentoring was complete flop – Nothing worked / Lost time & momentum!

Met 2 investors in India & it didn’t worked out at that moment!

What was the worst moment :-

One day when Laya was having high fever, when had to take her to hospital in the midnight, even though with Insurance felt low as all I had was Rs.1500 in my account!

Had to ask sorry to one of the customer as we argued over settlement of cash towards the order & in turn it turned out to a heated argument! Just to come out of it had to ask sorry even though it was not my problem!
The surprise element Credit : thehindu


Was my earning more than what I earned in a job?

NO! But I had paid salary to my team & to freelancers of more than 10 lakhs! 

Could manage my expense thru cashflow & tried few techniques which are working fine.

What I lost?

* Many of my colleagues whom I was associated with for almost 7 years didn’t even inquired how I was doing, not even a phone call!
Lost the bond with many of the friends as there was a gap!
The time that I could spend with my family!

Did I lost my confidence in this 1 year, Yes! But bounced back!
Did I felt that I should be in a job? Yes a couple of times
Did I loose my passion? Hell NO!
Did I loose my self esteem? Never!!!
AM I happy? AM NOT!!!

Am I Satisfied? AM more than SATISFIED ! Had goose bump moments, had hugs, had phone calls wishing us! Had seen customers crying out of happiness & we being the reason!

The one soul who was handling me, my anger, my pressure was my Wife Anbalagan Bhuvaneswari! If she was not, I am not what I am today!

Well am an entrepreneur & I love what am doing.

Disclaimer: This is an Contributor post. The statements, opinions and data contained in these publications are solely those of the contributors and not of 

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Sakthivel Pannerselvam
Co-Founder/CEO at
He is the Co-Founder/CEO of are SURPRISE PLANNERS and we are here to plan and execute your surprises in a a very special way for your loved ones. Whatever the occasion is , we are your best remedies !!! His favorite quote is "You may See me struggle! But you will never see me quit "

Sakthivel Pannerselvam

He is the Co-Founder/CEO of are SURPRISE PLANNERS and we are here to plan and execute your surprises in a a very special way for your loved ones. Whatever the occasion is , we are your best remedies !!! His favorite quote is "You may See me struggle! But you will never see me quit "

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