For Trainers, Coaches & Business Owners wanting to go global, What do You need to know : Go Visual – Go Online – Go Global!
There are many ways and many avenues to go visual & getting online that supports the journey of going global in your business. Especially for Trainers & Coaches.
Those days, it was about getting on Media (print & TV channels) and it was a big thing.

Then people got excited about getting online – It started with posts, and then blogs, then came the youtube channels, and v-loggers, landing pages with professional videos, facebook live screenings, and right now, everyone with a video camera on their phone are attempting to go viral with their videos, otherwise known as “talking heads”.
Now everybody knows that online videos are an in-thing, and landing pages with freebies are everywhere.
It feels like not a big deal to come up with a script (there are awesome script writers online & accessible easily)
Then there are the video production professionals, very very professional in creating videos. We also have the social media marketing professionals, people are going gaga over all the exciting ways of generating leads online.. Fabulous ways.
If all the above are already available for everyone, why isn’t everyone getting the fabulous results they should?
How are you constantly engaging the leads generated to become your community member (more than just regular emails newsletters containing testimonial videos, tips videos etc.)? And most of all, why do leads generated from the first visits to the pages, never come back, and/or very little percentage is converted to sales.
Don’t you feel the tension & stress of constantly looking for new leads?
There are some important questions you need to ask before you get on this strategy to go online & go global, and use it as a effective marketing tool.
1) What community are you creating? For your business
Hint: Who are your most attracted clients till now. This is aligned to your life purpose
2) What are your income generating products/services?
Hint: What are you pricing? Do you have offline – online products?
3) What is the direction for your business growth?
Hint: Which countries require your business right now? How much are you looking at generating in next 3-5 years?
As you answer the above questions, there is a very important factor that many overlook – the importance of connection & alignment.
Step 1 – Connect & Align with Self (Being completely clear & aligned inside of you, on your message to the world – your purpose in life so that you can attract the right audience)
Step 2 – Connect & Align with the Audience ( To be authentic & congruent online, on your video messages delivering to the people/community you want to impact in the world)
These two steps are realised through improving your speaking skills (intrinsic speaking skills, not the public speaking modalities – we urge you to go beyond that). And your personal alignment that creates your clarity inside out (through powerful releasing & empowerment work on yourself)
So harness these important skills that gets you in your power to be seen as an authority reaching out to the world, contributing and supporting the growth of others!
Powerful videos/Web TV Shows (structured video marketing campaigns online) get you loads more leads & contacts, meaningful engagement ensures that your leads keep engaging with you, so you get higher possibility of conversions to sales over time. Most of all, it can save you a lot of travel time & money, to reach global market.
It becomes a platform for you to start offline events with much more confidence, with a stable system & network.
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